Westerville High School
Class of 1970
Listed below is the currently known directory for class of 1970 members. If your information is incorrect or has changed, please contact Scott Smith or Bill Henson with updated information. If you have information on someone who doesn't show an address, please pass that information on also. Females in the class can be found under their last name in High School.
Directory document is a .pdf file which depending on your computer settings you may need to enlarge your view to see clearly.
Names in the Directory listed in RED have a profile on Facebook
Join The Class Email List
Help us keep in contact with you. Check the class directory, if your information is incorrect, please update your information so we can keep our class database current. If we don't have your information, please provide it.
You will only be contacted regarding Class of 1970 information and your information will not be provided to any third party.
Directory last updated May 2015